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The Journal of Cultural Diversity (JCD)

Journal of Cultural Diversity:
An Interdisciplinary Journal

The Journal of Cultural Diversity (JCD), published quarterly, is the journal of choice for educators, researchers, and practitioners involved in cultural diversity and the delivery of care, program development, policy formulation, and all related research matters. First published in 1994, the JCD unites theory, research, and practice related to caregiving and cultural diversity within a multi-disciplinary perspective. The JCD is a peer-reviewed journal; articles are selected by a distinguished panel of experts in caregiving and cultural diversity.

For Editors & Authors

Editorial Review Board
This is a refereed journal. Through a review process, the editorial review board members determine which articles will be published in each issue. Click here to view the members of the ABNF Journal Editorial Review Board.

Manuscript Guidelines
Click here for a detailed description of manuscript submission guidelines.

Copyright Transfer and Warranty Agreement
Click here for a .pdf of the Warranty Agreement form; a signed form is required for publishing consideration.

JCD Article Index and Reprints
Reprints of individual articles can also be ordered for prior issues.

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