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Theory Construction & Testing

Margaret T. Beard, PhD, Editor 

ISBN: 0-923950-12-5
Soft Cover
327 Pages
Library of Congress: 95-060045
Price: $35.95 + $6.00 shipping/handling

This book presents an integrated approach to theory construction and testing. This book is meant to fill a major gap in the literature of most disciplines by introducing the reader to an understanding and appreciation of the advantages of properly executing theory construction and testing. The author discusses the fundamental statistical theory that underlies structural equation modeling as a powerful tool in testing theoretical constructions for knowledge development, as well as the use of LISREL and EQS software packages.

Suggested for:
  • Theory and practice courses for undergraduate and graduate students
  • Health care researchers
  • Researchers in all disciplines

Desk Copies:

One desk copy may be provided for orders of 15 or more books adopted for undergraduate class use or 5 or more for graduate class use. A copy of the book store order form must be sent to Tucker Publications with the desk copy request to verify adoption and purchase.

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The Challenge: Autobiography of Colonel Margaret E. Bailey, First Black Nurse Promoted to Colonel in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps

Colonel Margaret E. Bailey (Ret.)

ISBN: 0-923950-17-6
Soft Cover
120 Pages
Library of Congress: 99-71117
Publication Date: 1999
Price: $24.95 + $6.00 shipping/handling

World War II brought out the best in this country’s young people. Young women like Margaret E. Bailey found it an opportunity to fight for their citizenship, their democracy, and their pride. Sit down with Margaret E. Bailey, RN and U.S. Army Colonel, while she tells you in her warm and direct style exactly what it was like to be born in the deep South in the early part of the twentieth century, how she adjusted to New York City in the 1940s, why she joined the Army Reserve and later the Army, and how she served overseas in post-war Germany, France and Japan as a very conspicuous but poised and capable female African American U.S. Army Officer.

Colonel Bailey fought the domestic front as well. It became a personal objective throughout her career, extending from the thirties to the eighties, to integrate all military housing, working environments, and recreational facilities, and she does so with levity, balance, and patience. If someone tells you that you look like their maid, just observe that they must have a good looking maid! Learn what Chicago was like in the 1940s and Denver in the 1960s.

Colonel Bailey ended her career in 1971 when she was awarded the Legion of Merit for Exceptionally Meritorious Conduct. She now resides happily in Silver Spring , Maryland . Her life is a great American story. Make it yours as well.

From Foreword by Brigadier General Clara Adams-Ender , U.S. Army Retired “This is an important book and this is an important story to be told. Margaret E. Bailey helped many African American nurses to realize their dreams of being successful Army nurses by taking charge of their attitudes. She often told us that we had a choice of being positive or negative, so choose to be positive. I often remembered her example and chose optimism to guide me over many rough spots and to do and be my best. I never forgot that lesson of choice about which attitude one needs to demonstrate because it is still an important lesson today. This is a story of a person who saw obstacles as opportunities and never let a chance pass to do something to help somebody. Her demand of dignity and respect in a gentle yet forceful way was recognized. When we read her story, we can witness the memories of a woman who cared about America , its people, and spent many years of her life caring for its soldiers. She did these things because she cares deeply about herself and felt a need to teach these caring behaviors to others.â€

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